Web Design

Workshop: How to Get Found Online by Consumers


Internet Marketing Secrets from the Pros Discover the secrets the Pros use that get their websites top visibility in Google, Bing and Yahoo in this free Internet Marketing Workshop for Small Businesses by your host, the Small Business Development Center. The Internet is the great competitive equalizer. More than any other time in history, you

Workshop: How to Get Found Online by Consumers2015-04-15T23:05:17+00:00

Is Your Site Mobile-Friendly? If Not, Expect to Lose Visibility.


Google has been urging business owners and webmasters for quite some time to make their websites user-friendly on mobile devices. User-friendly means several things, but it essentially boils down to usability. Google believes that websites that do not adjust screen size, font size and image pixelation for mobile devices is a bad user experience. What

Is Your Site Mobile-Friendly? If Not, Expect to Lose Visibility.2016-09-15T01:56:05+00:00