Do You Have A Small Business That We Can Help You Start or Grow?
Success Story: Desert Building & Design
José Yepez has been running his family business for 14 years. As a superintendent building homes in Imperial Valley when the recession hit, he sadly witnessed essentially a caravan of cars with people heading south of the border after losing their homes. He saw a need to diversify as things took a downturn for his industry area, and he also saw a need to fix those homes up. He straight away got his General B license and then began handing out his business card to real estate brokers. “And sure enough, they started hiring me.” He picked up his crew and started making homes like new.
“SBDC has been very helpful throughout the years,” he shares. “Their resources and their tools have been very, very helpful for me – especially these past couple months getting ready to get certified. Mr. Frank Luna has been a very, very positive helper.” José adds how his SBDC advisor helped him through the process of loans and certification as well as other things. “I would highly recommend this to any person that wants to get started and set up their business plan.”
José mentions how his mother used to say in Spanish, “Make it happen.” He encourages people to not be afraid of success nor mistakes nor tough times. Never give up and always have faith, he says, and to be patient and you’ll get through these trying times. “You’ve just got to put your mind to it.”
See more of his team’s work at!
Areas of Assistance
Government, commercial, and residential contracting
Business planning
Economic Impact
$36,000 in capital funding
$546,000 prime contract
Calexico, CA 92231
“SBDC has been very helpful throughout the years. Their resources and their tools. I would highly recommend this to any person that wants to get started and set up their business plan.”