Do You Have A Small Business That We Can Help You Start or Grow?
Success Story: Broad Street Dough Co.
Joseph Ramaglia opened his business, Broad Street Dough Co. in Encinitas, California with the help of the San Diego & Imperial SBDC Network. Part of a collection of three shops (two in New Jersey are separate businesses run by his sisters), the Encinitas location is the West Coast place to find these doughnuts. Ramaglia’s team serves up custom creations made-to-order. With a wide variety of options including vegan/gluten-free doughnuts, there’s something on the menu for everyone, the business shares. “The SBDC assisted me with getting funding in order to be able to start my business,” Joseph says. “Especially in these crazy times, that has been critical.” From opening up shop to managing the operation, to navigating the pandemic – Joseph shares how the SBDC and his advisor at the South San Diego SBDC have been invaluable.
“My advisor Joel Sedeno was incredible,” Joseph says. “He walked me through the entire process, really navigating something that I had never done before and really made it incredibly smooth. I would highly recommend going through this process … Don’t hesitate; run. Go and get your questions answered. It’s such an easy process. It seems so scary at first but there’s so much assistance. And the advisors are so knowledgeable – incredibly helpful. It was as if I had a partner holding my hand through the entire process.”
Learn more about the business and its delectable treats at!
Areas of Assistance
New business start
Three full-time jobs
Pandemic relief assistance
Economic Impact
$200,000 in capital funding
(Over $300,000 in total investment)
San Diego, CA 92130
“Don’t hesitate; run. Go and get your questions answered. It’s such an easy process. It was as if I had a partner holding my hand through the entire process.”